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Train Ticket Price
Welcome to our platform, covering all elements and aspects of the Pakistan railway system. We strive to provide you with current information on train schedules 2025, routes, and ticket prices sourced directly from official channels. The train timing and fare rates are updated promptly whenever the railway management reschedules them.

No more waiting—plan your journey, select your train, and view ticket rates and train timing with just a few clicks. Our platform adapts to different sizes for mobiles, tablets, or computer users for convenience. We take pride in offering the most reliable data for your trip.
Train Fare Search Tool
Pakistan Railway Ticket Price and Timing
Checking the Pakistan Railway ticket price list 2025 and train timing is essential for better travel preparation. Knowing the train schedule helps you arrive at the station on time, ensuring a smooth start to your journey.
Discover the extensive train routes, stops, and amenities provided by your chosen train. Familiarize yourself with the online ticket booking process, ensuring a seamless experience. Gain insights into the facilities offered during your journey as you explore the comprehensive details of your selected train’s itinerary.

How to Book Online Tickets
How to Become a Member, Register & Book
The ticket prices for trains vary according to the class. Here is the timetable for all Pakistan Railway trains, along with the ticket prices from one station to another. Choose your train and check the schedule and ticket prices before traveling to avoid any inconvenience at the station
How to Book Online Tickets
How to Become a Member, Register & Book

Select Your Train/Station and Plan Journey
Explore the comprehensive listing of daily surviving passenger trains in Pakistan, encompassing their cross-country routes. Uncover detailed information on train timing and railway ticket price list. Delve into this section to stay informed about the diverse range of trains traversing the nation, ensuring you have access to up-to-date details for a seamless travel experience.